Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Nancy Pelosi seeks climate change

Well, well, well. Nancy Pelosi has gone to China . . . and to Shanghai no less. How fitting, seeing that she’s made a career out of shanghaiing the United States, our Constitution, our values, our liberty and just about everything else associated with limited government and a free republic.

Pelosi described her expedition in typical political speak. “The purpose of this trip is to follow up on meetings we’ve had here with representatives of the Chinese government on the subject of climate change and energy and how it relates to our economy,” she claimed in a thoroughly unconvincing attempt at sincerity.

All I can say is bull!

Friend, if you buy the sack of manure that she’s selling you should have gone to China right alongside her. She probably could have sold you the Great Wall while you were there.

On second thought, the purpose of her trip is—in a way—climate change. Pelosi was becoming increasingly uncomfortable in her climate. She needed a change and she needed it fast! It was far too hot for her in Washington, where not even her allies were backing her CIA conspiracy nonsense.

She got out of town to deflect attention from her latest bout with leg-in-mouth disease. No, that isn’t a typo. The House Speaker doesn’t do things halfway. She didn’t stop with the foot. Not Pelosi. She stuffed her entire leg down her throat, burying it right up to her scrawny buttock.

It’s beyond incredible to believe that the CIA lied to her about the use of “enhanced interrogation” techniques.

If she’s telling the truth why wouldn’t Democrats pounce on that revelation to completely embarrass the Republicans once and for all? Why would other high-ranking members of the House and Senate know all about the methods employed while she remained in the dark?

Oh, wait; Pelosi in the dark. I think I just answered my own question.

No one cared about waterboarding when the constituents back home were hot for vengeance following 9/11. Only after the initial calls for retribution waned did Democrats, Pelosi included, notice that political hay could be made from the “abuse” of detainees. Now not one Democrat, Pelosi included, knows what to do with the violent cutthroats they claim we have mistreated. And Pelosi, above all, doesn’t have the sense to know when to quit.

Her claims that the CIA lied to her are contradicted by her own party. Leon Panetta, the current director of the CIA, has called her hand on her absurdities, distortions and outright fibs.

Panetta, by the way, isn’t exactly a card-carrying member of the vast right-wing conspiracy or the conservative cabal. You have to know that he—just like Congressional Democrats—would jump at any opportunity to discredit a Republican president’s policies. After all, Obama appointed him and he is a former Clinton adviser. He’s not Rush Limbaugh. It just makes his contradiction of Pelosi’s hallucinogenic fantasies all the more damning.

Pelosi didn’t go to China to talk energy, climate, pollution, policy, or even San Francisco Giants baseball. She went there to hide, to “CHA” if you get my drift.

With even her allies distancing themselves from her she needed a change of scenery. She won’t be home until she thinks the CIA flap has died down, which is enough reason for conservatives to keep it alive.

Pelosi’s trip is about climate change alright. She needed to change her climate to one as far from Capital Hill as possible. It’s the first wise choice she’s made in a long, long time. In the process she may have given America a prime bargaining chip with the Chinese. We’ll let her back in the country if they’ll buy a few trillion dollars more of our national debt.

Even at that, the Chinese may be getting the best of the barter.

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