Friday, August 7, 2009

Thoughts on North Korea’s prisoner release

Learning that the two female journalists were released from North Korean custody is welcome news regardless of who gets the credit. Even though they work for Al Gore, which means two more socialist votes in the next election, it is welcome news. Maybe having experienced how collectivist regimes operate they will have a change of heart about supporting such an agenda and about working for Captain Planet.

Regardless, I have a few thoughts to offer that no one else, at least to my knowledge, has put forth.

North Korea knows these women weren’t spies. Anyone who pays but scant attention to America’s journalistic corps knows full well they aren’t about to spy for our benefit. And they certainly wouldn’t spy against a “worker’s paradise” like the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK).

The reason Kim Jong Il’s repressive regime arrested, charged and sentenced these women had noting to do with suspected spying. It was to make America crawl. Okay, we crawled. Maybe we had no choice. No one wanted those women to rot in a North Korean prison for twelve years.

However, their release meant breaking from past practice, one in which America didn’t cave to heavy-handed tactics. What happens the next time an American is taken hostage in some third world hellhole?

Kim Jong Il and his merry band of communist cutthroats recognized an opportunity, much like Iran did a few months ago, to poke America in the eye and dance away scot-free. North Korea now stands tall in the eyes of other small dictatorships that share the DPRK’s disdain for human liberty and the rule of an evenly applied law.

Ironically, one can argue that such notions have become archaic even in the United States. Our government is expanding, our individual liberty waning and our economic freedom deteriorating at fearful rates. But that’s another matter.

Congratulations, North Korea. You identified an opportunity and capitalized on it. But use caution. Your success is eerily similar to the capitalist economic model you so scorn. Also, while you may appear the unbowed bulldog in the eyes of the world’s other Chihuahuas, you are still a Chihuahua yourself. Sorry. That’s just how it is.

As for the two journalists, I’m sure they’re elated. I can’t imagine what they experienced facing twelve years in a communist prison. Regular labor in such a regime is no picnic. What must “hard labor” be like? Even so, if I were they, I would’ve been a little nervous about that flight home.

Bill Clinton negotiated their release. Apparently, if not for the former president they would still be jailed. They owe their freedom to William Jefferson Clinton. They owe him. Women, let that sink in for a minute.

Euna Lee and Laura Ling were locked in a jetliner, 30,000 feet above the Pacific Ocean, with Bill Clinton, for twelve hours. And they owed him. Prudence, not to mention chastity, would dictate they make other travel arrangements.

Bill Clinton has, shall we say, a wayward history in his relations with women. This is especially true when he has the upper hand, such as while Governor of Arkansas, or with young interns in the Oval Office, or when someone owes him a favor. Once the landing gear was up and with all that time to kill, Bill Clinton might have decided to call in his IOUs, if you know what I mean. Can’t you just hear him now?

“You know ladies, if it wasn’t for me you’d still be in that musty old North Korean dungeon. I helped ya’ll out of a hard situation. Now old Bill needs help with a hard situation. What d’ ya’ say, ladies?”

Surely a former president would have better manners. But when the subject is Bill Clinton you just never know.


Cheryl Pass said...

The charade these guys put on for the media was disgusting. Is anyone just a little curious as to why two of Al Gore's flunkies were in North Korea in the first place?? And why was Steve Bing, Democrat operative, enlisted to fly his plane for this supposed U.S. State Dept. trip?
Something was rotten in Denmark. Once again...the way these guys are doing things is more than just a little shady.
John Bolten agrees with you, Tony. This was a very bad precedent to set for our future foreign negotiations with hostile dictators.
Good for you to point this out.

Anonymous said...

Great article Tony. I will put it on my FB page - got some new conservatives there. Bill and Hill intend to boot out Heil BO and his crooks - I believe they are plotting. Bill has been silent - not like him. Did you read what Debbie Schlussel said - one of the gals leaves her little daughter to go North Korea on assignment. Who goes there when you know how rude and rotten little dough boy he. He reminds me of the Pillsbury dough boy. He sits in a castle with all the Western amenities and his people are starving, if they take a candy bar he has them beaten - yet these 2 stupid girls for Al Bore another idiot think they can solve No. Korea's ills. How stupid can a college socialist be - yep plenty stupid. Now those girls will be on television as heroines. They left their family and too bad they did not serve their time for doing something stupid. Al Bore the climate person of the Nobel Prize. He turns on more lights in Nashville than on broadway. Once again Tony you have me ranting and you hit the nail on the inappropriate stupid liberals.

Lisa Harper said...

Great job Tony. As always, when we hear the words Bill or William Jefferson Clinton, we can't help but think there is politics and shady politics going on. Al Gore and Bill C together again. This story leaves so many questions that it could easily be penned into a book at this point. But once again the United States melted to a farce from N Korea and we let Bill be the trophy in the end. Another exciting moment in US history. As Glenn Beck commented a few weeks ago, Folks if I were making this up, I couldn't do a better headline myself than what we Americans are all waking up to daily. God be with us all. My one question to Doughboy in NK is, if the girls were so inclined to end up in prison for 12 years, and they had already been held for 4 1/2 months, what were they doing during this time? Al Gore seems to have his hands in so many melting pots one would think that he would have decided years ago to have just simply disappeared. But then again he won the election some few years ago. Need I say more? Good job Tony..............