Farrakhan, never a stranger to controversy, created quite a
stir with his recent ramblings about people killing their leaders, about Jesus,
David, and Solomon -- all Hebrews -- being African, and about Jesus himself being
a Muslim despite having preceding Mohammad
by six centuries. It's rhetorical flamboyance extraordinaire, but coming from Farrakhan
it's not surprising. For him to utter an odd word here and there is more the
rule than the exception. However, even Farrakhan can exceed his own high
standard for balderdash, and this is one of those times.
Sure, Farrakhan's remarks warranted a certain amount of
outrage. However, his greatest offense was his ignorance of, or absolute
disregard for, reality. While defending his claim that Jesus was a black man --
Jesus was a Jew and neither white nor black -- Farrakhan said, "You are
not trained to accept wisdom from a black person, no matter how wise that black
person is."
Oh Louis, how can you, a single man, be so wrong?
There are people who readily accept wisdom from black people.
We call them conservatives. In fact, I would argue that a conservative's pursuit
of wisdom transcends the racial and ethnic spectrum. However, there's a catch.
Since the goal is to gain understanding, conservatives will ignore fools,
henceforth defined as anyone who makes Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton appear levelheaded.
Mr. Farrakhan does just that, which is why he's routinely dismissed as a
certified nutcase.
How can Farrakhan lodge such a charge when he himself
ignores wise individuals who share his racial heritage but shun his divisive
political ideology? For example, does Farrakhan accept wisdom from syndicated
columnist and George Mason University economics professor Walter E. Williams? Does he
read Thomas Sowell, a black man whose
wisdom propels him to write editorials, scholarly essays, and books as easily
as most of us tie our shoes? Does Farrakhan seek the wisdom of former Oklahoma
Congressman J.C. Watts, or Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, or Shelby
Steele, or Kevin Jackson, or Star Parker?
While Farrakhan undeniably harbors delusions of intellectual
grandeur and fancies himself a serious contributor to public discourse, his
charge is as laughable as it is false. Maybe this tirade resulted from Farrakhan's
jealousy of black men and women who impart genuine wisdom with relative ease. But
most likely his rhetoric results from a mind that exists in a vacuum, where the
only sound is the steady and annoying wind that blows endlessly in no
particular direction.