If discussing politics and religion should be avoided at all costs, then science must join the list. Much of today’s “settled science” or “scientific consensus” is actually religion in its purest sense. The scientific faithful are proselytizing, pronouncing woe to anyone who questions their doctrine.
Too many scientists are High Priests in the First Assembled Reformation Church of Environmentalism, or FARCE for short. They and their followers defend their god--the environment--with the same zeal that fanatical Muslims defend Mohammad.
Actually, to grant FARCE church status is a bit kind; it is a cult. Non-believers can have rational discussions with Christians, Jews, Mormons, etc. The same holds for most Muslims, too. Avoid the Al-Qaeda/Hezbollah sect and you’ll be fine. But you can’t have a sensible debate with a cult follower. Fact, history, precedent, logic, common sense; none of it matters to the cultist. Therefore, it doesn’t matter to the FARCE member.
If you question a FARCE tenet, even to the slightest degree, you’re a heretic. Publicly denounce FARCE’s core belief--that mankind drives cataclysmic climate change--and you’re a global warming denier. Blind obedience, without the slightest hint of individual thought or reason, is required.
For example, the FARCE has declared that flat screen televisions are an environmental hazard. If you have one you’re destroying the planet. Use a light bulb that hasn’t been blessed by a FARCE priest and you’re chief among sinners. And you don’t want to contemplate your eternal destination if you drive an automobile that’s not on the FARCE list of doctrinally acceptable vehicles.
A quality common to cults is the demand for absolute compliance. Within faiths and religions you’ll find divergent opinions. These become denominations. Denominations will hold to basic principles even while disagreeing about specific doctrines. Not so with cults.
Environmentalists allow no disagreement. The “green” activist will ignore any evidence or argument that contradicts their belief system. Dissent is intolerable, even sacrilege, and ignored as if it never existed. And no, I’m not exaggerating. Let’s look at the evidence.
At the 2008 UN global warming conference in Poland over 650 scientists questioned the accuracy of man-made global warming science. The Petition Project--instituted by Frederick Seitz, past president of the National Academy of Sciences--has collected over 30,000 signatures from qualified professionals questioning man’s impact on climate.
The FARCE will not tolerate such heretics. Apostate scientists have their character assassinated, their voice silenced and their scientific credentials dismissed out of hand. In short, they’re excommunicated from the FARCE, which is the climate change community.
A little common sense will land you in hot water, too.
In California, regulators have proposed banning wood burning stoves and fireplaces. Wood smoke and soot, apparently, are health hazards and environmental contaminants. But unless I’m mistaken, wildfires burn California to the ground every other year and man has burned wood for about 1.5 million years. Let’s take the matter of fire a little farther. The Indians—whom the FARCE considers to have been at one with the earth—burned wood.
You’ll waste your time confronting a FARCE disciple with this argument. You’d have a better chance getting a Jehovah’s Witness into a Baptist church. The “green” apostle will simply charge you with wanting to destroy the earth. End of discussion. They’ll never explain where you will live if you succeed in destroying the earth. Doesn’t matter. Their doctrine is unquestionable.
Other topics are verboten within the FARCE, too. Scientists have skewed global warming data and conspired to conceal the process. The IPCC’s report on the disappearing Himalayan glaciers is decidedly flawed. Temperature monitoring data is manipulated to indicate warming trends. So what? Facts are lies within the FARCE.
Nothing is valid that doesn’t fit the environmental creed. Only the canon is real. Global warming exists, earth is doomed and heretics will be sacrificed on the nearest FARCE altar. Sound like a witch hunt? Cotton Mather couldn’t do it so well.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
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1 comment:
I thought you were going in a different direction when I read your title. I thought you were going to expose how many churches have jumped into the green slime....as some churches suggested that lent is a perfect time to give up something in order to lower your carbon footprint.
It is all a FARCE for sure...great acronym!!
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