Thursday, July 23, 2009

ObamaCare: power, ego and control

So, Obama says healthcare reform isn’t about him and it isn’t about politics. It is about a healthcare system that is breaking families, businesses and the economy. At least that’s what he says.

It’s more factual to believe that record deficits, unchecked borrowing and printing dollars like pin-up pictures would have more to do with our sour economy than medical spending. And let’s not forget the mortgage meltdown brought on by the government mandated manipulation of lending practices. But I’m getting off subject.

Even the most avid supporter of Chavez’s northern brother must wonder how Obama can say such things with a straight face.

Of course healthcare reform—better described as socialized medicine—is about him. It was about him when he first mentioned it, it’s about him now and it will remain about him long after it has been decided one way or the other. It is about his power, his ego and his self-righteous attitude, an attitude that bestows upon him and his cronies both the intellect and the moral authority to decide who should be treated, when, how and for how long. It is about being the sole arbiter of life and death, the god-like power Obama so craves and from whence his aspirations arise.

If this weren’t the case he wouldn’t be pushing so hard to see this measure become law before the details become public. If this weren’t the case he wouldn’t have told opposition Blue Dog Democrats, “You’re destroying my presidency.” It is about him, him and an agenda that would make Vladimir Lenin swell with pride.

Bart Stupak, a Michigan Democrat who opposes the current healthcare proposal, doesn’t believe Obama made that statement to the Blue Dogs. Stupak said, “I can’t see him saying that. He’s got too much self-confidence.” But I think Rep. Stupak, like many Americans, just can’t believe a sitting president could be so sinister.

Obama’s persona isn’t one of self-confidence, Rep. Stupak. Self-confidence is virtuous. Arrogance is the more appropriate term for describing Obama’s drive for socialized medicine.

If this plan is so grand there’s no reason why the President himself shouldn’t participate. His lovely and gracious wife Michelle can select the “public option” when her next Pap smear is due. And President Obama should expose his children to the same “healthcare for everyone” that he and his ilk would so blithely impose upon, well, everyone else.

It’s only fair, isn’t it? But don’t hold your breath waiting for it to happen.

Obama is promoting healthcare “reform” legislation that he hasn’t read and, for what it’s worth, is beyond the federal government’s constitutional duties. He is disregarding his oath of office, abridging his duty to his constituents and encouraging Congress to follow suit. Yet he accuses people who have read the proposal of lying about its contents.

Come to think of it, his actions extend beyond simple arrogance. Obama’s actions are tyranny in its purest form.


Cheryl Pass said...

The proposed Obamacare/Government take-over of our Health Care is already making me sick. Tyranny is the correct are so right, Tony!

Lisa Harper said...

I listened to Rush Limbaugh a few days ago hash out this subject. And as you stated, he did as well, that Congress and all in Washington would be so quick to pass a healthcare bill that none of them will ever have to adhere to. Once again they throw in our faces that we are the stupid and they are the crowning glories that be. In as much as I want health insurance reform, coming from this President, it's like witnessing one's own execution in slow motion. Thanks for another great blog Tony :)

Anonymous said...

Lisa you said it as I feel. BO and Michelle are on the throne while we should kiss their ring and go die. I think not.

Anonymous said...

Great post!